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Preserve Assets

Preserving matrimonial assets, income generated from the assets and even proceeds of sales received from the disposal of the matrimonial assets is critical during a divorce to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of marital property. By working with a qualified divorce lawyer and taking proactive steps to preserve assets, you can protect your financial interests and secure a better outcome in a divorce proceeding.

Do remember, the court has no duty to discover, protect or preserve your matrimonial assets. If you failed to take the necessary actions during a divorce proceeding in the Malaysia court, you will not be able to claim for assets which have been disposed or dissipated by your spouse.


If you suspect that your spouse may be dissipating or disposing of assets, don't hesitate to contact our law firm. We are ready to provide you with the immediate guidance and support you need to protect your assets and secure your financial position during a divorce or separation.


Prevent Dissipation & Disposal of Assets

Asset dissipation is the deliberate or unintentional wasting, destruction, or hiding of assets, and their income that would typically be divided during a divorce. It can take several forms, including shifting funds to a third-party account, selling assets at a loss, or using marital monies for non-marital activities. A spouse who fails to take any necessary steps during a divorce or separation proceeding will suffer at their own cost if they fail to safeguard assets from being dissipated or disposed of during the divorce.

If you're facing a divorce in Malaysia and are concerned about the dissipation or disposal of assets, don't hesitate to contact our law firm. We are ready to provide you with the immediate guidance and support you need to protect your assets and secure your financial position during a divorce or separation.

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