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Strategies to Handle Manipulative Tactics: Your Guide to Divorcing a Manipulative Spouse (Part 2)

Updated: May 23, 2023

I. Introduction

The divorce process is inherently complicated and emotionally charged. When divorcing a manipulative spouse, these challenges can magnify exponentially. A manipulative spouse might use tactics intended to control, confuse, and emotionally exhaust you. Such tactics might seem overwhelming, but you have the power to navigate this difficult situation. In the face of such manipulation, it is crucial to arm yourself with strategic tools and techniques.

It is advisable for you to gain understanding on manipulation in a marriage. Click here to read "Escape from the Maze: Your Guide to Divorcing a Manipulative Spouse," seeks to answer this question and shine a light on the path to freedom and healing from breaking-free or divorcing your manipulative spouse.

II. Strategies to Handle Manipulative Tactics

Let's delve into the strategies that can empower you during this taxing journey.

1. Emotional Armour: Setting Boundaries

Emotional manipulation is often the first weapon pulled from a manipulative spouse's arsenal. They might employ guilt trips, play the victim, or provoke fear, attempting to sway your decisions and keep you within their sphere of control. One way to counteract these tactics is by creating and enforcing emotional boundaries.

Don't feel obligated to explain or justify your decisions. Remember, it's okay to say 'no' and to prioritize your needs. Don't feel obligated to explain or justify your decisions. Limit communication to essential topics related to the divorce process. If possible, try to keep this communication in written form, like emails or texts, to avoid direct confrontation and have a record of your exchanges.

Setting boundaries is not a one-time event, but rather an ongoing process. Stay firm, even if the manipulative spouse resists these boundaries, and remind yourself that these limitations are necessary for your well-being.

2. The Power of Documentation

In the face of manipulation, evidence is power. Keep a detailed record of instances of manipulation or potential abuse. This could be in the form of a personal journal, saved text messages, voicemails, emails, or even photographic evidence. These records provide a factual base for your experiences and can play a critical role in legal proceedings.

Remember, safety comes first. Make sure your documentation process does not put you at risk. Store your evidence securely in a place your spouse does not have access to.

3. Harnessing the Power of Professional Support

Going through a divorce from a manipulative spouse can often feel like a solitary journey, but remember, you are not alone. Assembling a team of professionals can be your lifeline during this process. This team should ideally include a knowledgeable and empathetic divorce lawyer, a therapist familiar with emotional manipulation and abuse, and a financial advisor.

An experienced divorce lawyer can guide you through the complex legal terrain, advocating for your rights, and countering legal tactics your spouse might employ. A therapist can provide a safe space to express your feelings, validate your experiences, and equip you with coping mechanisms to deal with emotional stress. A financial advisor can help you understand your financial rights, plan for your future, and provide advice tailored to your situation.

4. Preparing for Delay Tactics

Delaying tactics are common in manipulative divorces. The manipulative spouse might disregard deadlines, fail to provide necessary documents or bring up trivial issues, intending to drag out the divorce process. Recognising these tactics for what they are is the first step in countering them.

Your divorce lawyer who has experience in dealing with manipulative spouses will be invaluable in dealing with these delaying tactics. Trust their guidance and let them handle these issues. Their experience and knowledge of the law will ensure that your spouse's attempts to delay do not derail the divorce process.

5. Stand Firm on Your Decisions

Manipulators thrive on creating doubt. Your spouse may try to make you second-guess your decisions, hoping to exploit your uncertainties. It's imperative that you trust your judgment and stand firm in your choices.

This isn't to say that the decisions you face will be easy ones, or that you won't experience moments of doubt. Divorce, especially from a manipulative spouse, often involves difficult choices. There might be times when you'll feel uncertain, but it's crucial to remember why you embarked on this journey: to secure a better, healthier future for yourself. This is where self-assuredness becomes essential. Trust yourself and stand firm in your decisions. You have made the choice to pursue divorce for your own well-being; don't allow manipulative tactics to make you doubt this necessary step.

Avoid being drawn into arguments about these decisions. Communicate your choices clearly and decisively, and then disengage. Your spouse might resist, argue, or try to persuade you to change your mind. Don't allow them to pull you into a cycle of endless debate. State your decision, and then hold your ground. If possible, refrain from communicating with your spouse in relation to the divorce terms and leave it to your divorce lawyer as you would not want to be manipulated by your spouse during the process.

6. Self-Care: Nurturing Resilience

Facing a manipulative spouse during a divorce can be emotionally draining and physically exhausting. You might feel as though you're in a state of constant vigilance, always waiting for the next manipulative tactic. In such a situation, it's all too easy to neglect your own needs.

Remember, self-care isn't a luxury, it's a necessity. It's the fuel that keeps you going through challenging times. You should take care of your physical and mental health. Try to maintain a balanced diet, get regular exercise, and ensure you're getting enough rest.

Emotional self-care is equally important. This could involve activities that relax and soothe you, like meditation, yoga, reading, or simply spending time in nature. You might also find comfort in creative outlets like writing, painting, or music.

Stay connected with your support network. Let your friends and family know how they can support you, whether that's spending time together, offering a listening ear, or helping out with practical matters.

Additionally, spiritual self-care can offer comfort and perspective during this difficult time. Whether this means attending religious services, exploring nature, practicing yoga, or simply taking a few moments each day to reflect, it can provide a sense of peace and purpose.

Finally, consider joining a support group for people going through a similar experience. Sharing your journey with others who understand what you're going through can provide immense comfort and practical advice.

7. Understanding Manipulation Tactics

Knowledge is power, especially when dealing with a manipulative spouse. Educate yourself about the common manipulation tactics and signs of emotional abuse. This awareness can help you identify and counteract these tactics when they occur. You may gain more understanding about manipulation here: Escape from the Maze: Your Guide to Divorcing a Manipulative Spouse (Part 1)


Embarking on the journey to divorce a manipulative spouse can feel daunting, and at times, insurmountable. But remember, every step you take, no matter how small, is a step towards a future free from manipulation—a future where your well-being is the priority. With these strategies in your toolkit, you can navigate this journey with resilience and grace. The path may be challenging, but the destination—a life of freedom, respect, and authentic happiness—is unquestionably worth it.


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About the Author

Dato Fion Wong, top divorce lawyer in malaysia dealing with narcissistic divorce

Dato' Fion Wong is the founder of Fion Wong a law firm in Malaysia specialising in Matrimonial & Family Law. She is a licensed master practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) established as the original, official certifying body in the field of NLP by NLP Co-Developers, Richard Bandler and John Grinder. She is also pursuing psychotherapy to bring a unique and resourceful perspective to family law. Dato' Fion Wong is also an esteemed author, having published a highly regarded reference on family law (Handbook on Family Law Practice in Malaysia: Commentary, Procedures & Forms) referred to by fellow family law practitioners and judges and other influential publications that are widely recognised.


Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The content is based on the author's understanding and interpretation of the subject matter at the time of writing. Laws and regulations regarding divorce may vary depending on the jurisdiction and individual circumstances. Readers are advised to consult with a qualified legal and medical professional or seek appropriate professional advice before making any legal decisions or taking action based on the information provided in this article. The author and the publisher disclaim any liability for any loss or damage incurred by readers as a result of their reliance on the information contained herein.

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