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High & Ultra-High-Net Worth Divorce

For divorce involving complex-structured assets

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Fion Wong Top divorce law firm in malaysia

We are known for our unprecedented approach and strategy in handling high & ultra-high net worth divorce with our specific skills and extensive knowledge.

Understanding High-Net-Worth and Ultra-High-Net Worth Divorce

High-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth divorce cases involve unique legal and financial complexities that can make the process more challenging than a typical divorce. When it comes to high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth divorce cases, the stakes are high. These cases typically involve individuals with complex investment portfolios and assets worth multi-millions or even billions of dollars. The division of these assets can be complex, and there are often competing interests at play. Obtaining specialized legal advice at an early stage is crucial in this intricate area of law. Proper presentation and strategic planning at the outset of the case are essential in determining success.

Do Not Overlook the Advantage of Family Law in High-Net-Worth Divorces

One of the typical mistakes made by parties involved in high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth divorces are failing to recognise the legitimate advantages that can be gained through family law. It is often assumed that if companies are involved in such divorces, then a company lawyer would be of better choice or that the assets shall be dealt with under the company law. It is not commonly known to many that family law can be a better avenue in terms of cost and efficiency, for dealing with any assets owned by one or both spouses. 

Assets - Trust: Express or Implied

assets are often held in complex structures that present unique difficulties and often involve trusts; which may be express or implied. Significant amounts of the parties’ wealth including income which may impact the benefits of the parties and children, can be tied up in trusts. Therefore, how these trust assets are handled can have a significant impact on the case's outcome. Our founder, Dato' Fion is experienced in handling claims for a spouse without a direct interest in the trust as well as defending the trust interest against a spouse's claim, or even to consequently advising in the structuring of the assets during the negotiation and even after divorce to safeguard the interest of her clients and the ones they loved.

Assets - Business & Company

High and ultra-high-net-worth divorce often involves privately-owned businesses which posed more difficulty in valuation and division than publicly listed companies. Many parties who are involved in the divorce are ignorant that business can be subject to division by the family court. We work closely with successful business owners in protecting the interest of the companies and the stakeholders. The situation may complicate further if a spouse has no control or access to the business. We are experienced in defending our client's rights to ensure that the other spouse would not be able to compromise our client's interest.

Financial Provision - Wife & Child Maintenance

In high net worth divorce, it is very common for a wife to apply for financial provisions for herself and the children. A court shall look into the means and needs of the parties with the purpose to enable the wife and children. As such, the court is tasked to evaluate the financial standing of both spouses. In a high net-worth divorce, the needs of the wife and children would be different when they have enjoyed a luxurious standard of living.

We routinely handle high net worth cases that involve substantial income and extensive assets portfolios. We have the expertise to manage contentions about the needs of husband and wife, and to protect the children's best interest and welfare.

Schedule a Consultation

We recognise that every family and individual has unique priorities, and we are proficient to help you achieve the outcome that aligns with your personal and business goals.


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