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Discover Assets & Income
During Divorce

Our team of skilled divorce lawyers has the experience, knowledge, and resources to unearth hidden assets and income or adjusted income by a spouse during a divorce. We employ a range of proven strategies to discover assets and income hidden by a spouse during a divorce proceeding to ensure that our client's interests are never compromised. 

Hidden Assets and Income During Divorce in Malaysia for Non-Muslims

Divorce is stressful and devastating when one party attempts to hide their assets or income with the intention to defeat a spouse from his or her rightful claim. In this article, we will explore the risks associated with hidden assets and income during divorce in Malaysia, and how the ignorant party can be at a disadvantage.

The risks of hidden assets and income during divorce are significant. If one party is unaware of hidden assets or income, they may end up with a settlement that is much lower than they are entitled to. This would mean that if you are unaware of your spouse's assets you may not be able to claim your share during a divorce.

It is also important to be aware of the warning signs that your spouse may be hiding assets or income. These may include:

  • Unexplained changes in their financial behavior, such as opening new accounts or making large purchases.

  • Unexplained income or assets that they cannot account for.

  • Refusal to provide complete financial disclosure.

  • Transferring assets or income to friends or family members.

If you suspect that your spouse is hiding assets or income during divorce, it is important to act quickly. The longer you wait, the more difficult it may be to gather evidence and build your case. By being vigilant and taking action, you can ensure that you receive a fair settlement and can move on with your life after divorce.

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